Tuesday, September 7

my new favourite friday night pastime.

wandering the neighbourhood armed with my holga.

bottom of mt eden.

mt eden rd.

normanby rd playground.

clive rd. 

cnr clive rd and mountain rd.

cnr clive rd and mountain rd.

auckland grammar school.

auckland grammar school

the red elephant restaurant. khyber pass rd.

grafton bridge.


  1. how did you do the elephant one. and why wasn't i invited.

  2. ahhaa the word confirmation was 'doper'

  3. Really great photos Sarah! Happened across your blog whilst FB(stalk)ing. Holgas are so much fun.

  4. thanks bobby! ooooh just figured out this whole disqus thing... so much better having threaded comments!

  5. ooooooh! the excitement of having threaded comments!
    and just figured out how to synch it all :D

    the elephant one is just double exposure.
    and you weren't invited because i'm pretty sure you were being super lame and refusing to go out. clearly this was not my first choice in friday night activity!
