Saturday, November 6

today is my birthday.

ideally i would have liked some sort of garden party
with balloons and flowers and fairy lights and decorated cakes
and in the afternoon.
coz afternoon drinking in the sun is so much better than night time drinks inside will ever be.

had i not moved to auckland this would have been easy.
our garden at home is rediculous.
and my mother is rather a good cook.

but i did.
so i decided i'll be original and have a large twenty second instead.
all images from we heart it. 


  1. happy birthday miss :D have an amazing day!
    great blog by the way!
    loving the posts
    stop by some time xx

  2. thanks margaret!
    your blog has so many amazing designers i've never even heard of!
    i'll have to have a trawl through your archives!
